I help women create happier, healthier lives, reducing anxiety, stress and overwhelm.  We work together so that you can feel energised, focused and confident gaining clarity in what you want for yourself going forward in your life. I specialise in menstrual health and peri to post menopause optimising hormonal health reducing and eliminating symptoms. I work holistically which means I take every aspect of you and your life into consideration including your diet, your mindset and how you cope with stress. I am also a corporate consultant offering menopause and women’s health and wellbeing training, education and support within the workplace, find out more about how I can support your business and employees here


My work covers many areas including:

  • Anxiety and Panic
  • Confidence and Self Esteem
  • Weight Management
  • Anger and Stress Management
  • Peri to Post Menopause Health
  • Relationships
  • Muscle and Joint Pain 
  • Fatigue
  • Menstrual Health
  • Finding Fulfilment 
  • Goal Setting 
  • Career Change

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Are you fed up of not getting the support you want when you need it?

‘Her Holistic Life’ is designed for women as a supportive online community giving you access to up to date evidence based support, information and learning on all aspects of health and life as a woman. Find out more by clicking below.

Life Coaching

Life Coaching can help every aspect of your life professionally and personally allowing you to live the life you truly want to live letting go of limiting beliefs, worry and fear. You may have a particular challenge you want to overcome or it may be you are feeling unfulfilled, unhappy or anxious generally in your life and are looking for some support in learning how you can gain clarity, confidence and self esteem. I help women have better periods, balancing hormones by working on nutrition and stress reduction. 

I apply a combination of coaching and counselling skills that allow me to find the root cause of any issues you are experiencing in your life and with your health.  We work together using a variety of different techniques that will allow you to overcome them moving forward positively. You will be able to apply the skills I teach you into your everyday life straight away which will allow you to cope better with daily stress, focus on short and long term goals whilst being free to enjoy your life each and every day! Find out more about how I can help you by clicking below, Sarah x


Peri to Post Menopause Health Coaching

Take back your power, transform your health and make the rest of your life the best years yet!

Do you suffer with any of the following?

Brain Fog
Hot Flushes
Night Sweats
Mood Swings
Erratic Periods
Weight Gain
Urinary Incontinence

Pain & Stiffness
Skin Problems
Vaginal Dryness
Low Libido

These are all symptoms that we can encounter during Peri- Menopause and guess what? We don’t have to!

I work holistically looking at all areas of your life to see where you can implement new positive habits and mindsets to improve your overall lifestyle. We look at Nutrition, Stress Management, Movement and Sleep, all of these combined play a huge part in our hormonal health. Get them right and you can feel your symptoms disappear and your health dramatically improve not just through the menopause but for the rest of your life.

I work with women on a 1-1 basis, in groups, in person and online so there is an option for everyone. I offer single sessions or 6 to 12 week programmes.

There really is no need for you to suffer in silence you just need the right tools so that you can thrive and sail through the menopausal years feeling stronger and healthier, physically and emotionally than ever before.

The 3 Stages of Menopause

The 3 Stages of Menopause

If you are anything like me, I was completely unaware that there are 3 stages to Menopause. I hadn’t really thought much about it, being in my early 40s, I thought I had years to go yet. I started researching my symptoms and discovered that I was definitely in Peri-...

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Sleeping well through the Menopause

Sleeping well through the Menopause

40-60% of peri-menopausal women report disrupted sleep during menopause with 1 in 3 saying sleep problems cause them distress and impact daily functioning. When we are sleep deprived, we lose cognitive capability and can experience decreased decision making and basic...

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Xenoestrogens are hormone disrupting chemicals that mimic Oestrogen in the body binding to our Oestrogen receptors and altering the normal function of our hormones. They are found in everyday products like make up, skin and hair care, deodorants, plastics, fruits and...

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